Is there any side effect of using doxycycline in coronavirus?


Is there any side effect of using doxycycline in coronavirus?

Other contributors to the extensive and disproportionate use of antibiotics are likely the fear and insecurity around the pandemic and the lack of internationally recognized antiviral agents with known efficacité. Although there is no knowledge of the acute prevalence of bacterial superinfection in CoVID19, in certain studies initial co-infections or secondary bacterial pneumonia in up to 35% of cases, the reasonable and fair arguments for antibiotic therapy seem to be seen in patients with COVID 19 based on familiarity with bacterial superinfections in the flu.

Rationalization of the use of antibiotics The solution can be considered, while many unsuccessful study needs are expected to categorize & streamline the use of antibiotics in patients with COVID-19. Patients with the worst presentations should be reserved for antibiotics (e.g. those with high oxygen demands and rapidly progressing respiratory failure).If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, doxycycline should not be used. If you feel you may be pregnant, stop taking doxycycline and notify our office immediately.

Pills for birth management: There is a little possibility that it will prevent you from acting as a contraceptive if you are using birth control tablets.


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